Monday, March 28, 2011

Hw 40-Insights From Book Part 3.

 Thank you Ina Mays for writing "Ina Mays Guide To ChildBirth". I personally enjoyed reading your views on midwifery and the flawed and unnecessary policies that is driven down peoples throats when they are expecting and giving birth in our current American hospital system. From reading the episodes of many births that had midwives involved and the positive results and the negative results that hospitals can induce this has persuaded me to re think the topic of pregnancy and birth all together.

 So in the last third part of the book you talked about our flawed medical system that provides and carries outs unnecessary medical procedures that a large percent of our country falls victim to. But as well these procedures are sometimes necessary during extreme circumstances during child birth in hospitals.
"For over a generation, more than one-fifth of U.S. women have had their babies by cesarean surgery. With such a high rate of surgical birth, the question of how to give birth after a previous cesarean comes up for tens of thousands of women every year."( Mays 294) From this piece of information you can infer that to many women are having unnatural surgical births and it is effecting women's natural cycle of giving birth which is suppose to naturally occur. "For most of the twentieth century, North American doctors automatically scheduled repeat cesareans for those women who had a previous cesarean , because they feared that the scar on the women's uterus might rupture during labor. (European physicians have, for the most part , long understood that VBAC's are safe  for most women.)"( Mays 295) You can see how flawed our medical care system is when doctors are scheduling unnecessary medical procedures over and over again as to deter women from giving birth naturally. "Nearly eighty percent of women who tried VBAC were able to give birth vaginally."(Mays 296) It even further supports my claim that the medical system of America is preforming unnecessary procedures and disrupting women's natural birth cycles just for their own profit. I would like to thank you for your time and attention.

-Brendan B.

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