Sunday, April 17, 2011

HW 46-Initial Thoughts on the Care of the Dead.

When I think of the words "Care of the Dead" the first things that come to my mind are funerals and the friends and family that I have lost and seen being put in the ground six feet under. My personal experience with the topic I feel I have seen the normal amount of death an 18 year old guy is suppose to see now a days but then again I could be wrong. I have seen a few of my friends pass and my fair share of family members unfortunately, and I feel it's not a good topic to dwell on for too long. The way that I have been taught to deal with these occurrences of death when they happen to come upon into my life is to naturally grieve. Everyone has their different ways of grieving, their natural way that comes to them when someone they know is plagued by death. As well when people are touched by death there is a process of reflection and a process of reconciliation but thats another deep topic to be discussed later on. My own personal way of grieving is helping others in my family or people whom are my friends grieve themselves. I feel that to me this is something that assists me very much in my own process of dealing with a personal loss of a relative and/or friend. Some social norms that I know of about dealing with the care of the dead are pretty much self explanatory, things like open casket or closed casket which is also referred to as an "Wake", then you got the burial ceremony, and as well as cremation, but then you wouldn't have everything else you would just have a cremation and then maybe a releasing of the ashes ceremony in place of a normal burial. As for my family's perspective regarding people whom have died we all have different ways of seeing things so for me to actually bring to light all of these perspectives I would have to interview many different members of my family to fulfill that requirement.

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