The story of a life long funeral directors daughter is coming to a close as she continues to embellish in her life long stories of her going about her life as a Mortician. Many stories of her interesting career are now coming out more vividly to words the end of the book with some crazy events occurring while her clients are both attempting to grieve their loved ones loss and understand their loss at the same time.
"Max and just returned with the body of a newborn baby; we had been called to remove it from the Regis Hospital. When i took the sheet from the baby, we both gasped. Neither of us had ever seen a newborn baby covered from head to toes with dark and dried blood. This was a baby girl, weighing more than eight pounds, with rolls of fat on her arms and legs."pg 72
"Before working in cemeteries, I viewed them as beautiful, serene shrines. Since working in them, I also envision all that lies beneath the vibrant green sod-electric connections, water lines, markers placed by surveyors who measure each grave to the inch."pg 116
This quote was something that I wish I had never read in my entire life. From now on whenever I think of this vivid image of a dead new born in my mind. I couldn't imagine how it would feel to lose a new born child like this family has. I just don't know how someone could even endure the birth of a new life coming in to this world and then to lose that new life in front of their own eyes. There is so much heartbreak dealing with the loss of a new born child I'm very surprised that the parents didn't want to end their own lives after this event. Maybe I'm just think to to much of an extreme to think or suggest that someone commit suicide after losing their child. Maybe losing a child would enlighten the parents of the child to try again and bring a new child into their lives to replace the pain that the last child 's death caused. But then again who am I to conclude how these parents feel about their loss or talk about what reasoning behind their choice of having another child and the reasoning behind their choice.
I find it probable that I would have the same reaction to words cemeteries if I had such a deep connection and interaction with them as June Knights Nadle does. I can connect to the feeling she expresses to words the concept of a cemetery because I too have a respectful and feeling for these shrines of beauty. As well If I had such a deep connection with these places of respect I probably would have a more morbid feeling of dislike or distaste to words them just as she does. I feel that overall although someone could have an eternal feeling about grave yards and cemeteries but there is always a small form of respect of those whom have been lost to the swift hand of death to be put there in the first place. I say this because I feel that everyone has some type of dark and respectful feeling to words these places because from birth we are taught to respect our loved ones whom have passed at these places. But at the same time we are taught to feel sadness and dark feeling to word these places because it in fact is a field of dead people that are buried six feet under.
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